By and large, the following signs of aging will almost always give away or real age (or make you look older than your real age!):
1. Turkey Neck
This refers to sagging skin just below the chin making you think twice about posting that bathroom selfie you just took. The appearance of turkey neck can be attributed to flaccid muscles and excess accumulation of fat. A neck lift may be done for those who wish to choose the surgical route. Unfortunately there are very few non-surgical methods that help to a significant degree with a sagging neck.
2. Crow’s Feet
Crow’s feet refers to fine lines and wrinkles on the outermost corners of your eyes. Generally, their appearance is a result of repeated muscle contractions in the area when you squint and blink. Since you can’t stop yourself from squinting or blinking as a means of preventing them from appearing, Botox is the perfect choice to subtly erase them for a more youthful appearance.
3. Sagging jowls
Have you heard about the Triangle of Youth? It actually refers to the three components of how a youthful face should look like — full cheeks, high cheekbones, and a well-defined jawline. However, once aging has taken its toll, the Triangle of Youth slowly becomes the Pyramid of Age — sunken cheeks, nasolabial folds or parentheses, and the appearance of jowls in the lower third of the face. A face lift, chin liposuction, and certain dermal fillers can help make sagging jowls less noticeable.
4. Sagging brows and upper eyelids
Both the upper eyelids and brows are located close to each other and one will most likely assume that it only takes one surgical cosmetic procedure to improve their appearance. However, sagging brows can actually be remedied with a brow lift while loose skin in the upper eyelids will benefit from an upper eyelid lift. If both concerns are present, an eyelid surgery and a brow lift can be done at the same time. Botox can also help improve horizontal lines between the eyes.
5. Spotted and/or wrinkled hands
Your face may be youthful and flawless but your hands may convey an entirely different story with the appearance of wrinkles and brown spots. Laser therapy can significantly reduce the appearance of hyperpigmentation spots while collagen-based fillers will help smoothen out those wrinkles.
Let us help you put your naturally youthful face and body forward! Call us at 415.398.7778 or fill out this contact form to schedule an appointment. We look forward to helping you improve your life through cosmetic surgery!
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