

Why Saying Hello to Halo Gives You the Best of Both Worlds in Laser


Let’s face it, nothing is far more attractive than skin that naturally glows!

However, the chronic war against enlarged pores, uneven skin tone, and age spots make the quest for healthy, radiant skin a struggle for many of our wonderful clients at our San Francisco laser rejuvenation practice.

Often, no matter how much preventive measures you’ve done to keep those imperfections at bay — from getting enough sleep to skin-nourishing diets to seaweed creams, the occasional sign of premature skin aging will almost always resurface.

Good thing there’s Halo Hybrid Fractional Laser for patients looking for optimum results but would love to have least amount of downtime possible!

Optimum Results with the Shortest Downtime Possible

Before we get into the nitty-gritty of Halo’s specifics, let’s take a quick look of what laser facial rejuvenation is like before Halo was introduced in the laser rejuvenation scene.

In a nutshell, laser skin rejuvenation can either be ablative or nonablative.

The ablative type eliminates blemishes by removing your skin’s superficial layers, and triggering collagen (the primary component of supple, youthful skin) production in the process.  You can expect a dramatic difference from ablative laser but downtime may be longer due to swelling post-procedure. You may have to skip work for a couple of days to a week to allow your skin to properly heal.

In contrast to its ablative counterparts, the non-ablative laser treatments provide less dramatic outcomes but its downtime is not as long as ablative. There is less redness and swelling involved because it’s relatively less invasive. In hindsight, a boost in collagen production is still in the works but unlike the ablative type, the majority of the upper layers of the skin remains unharmed. The best part though is you don’t have to apply for a quick vacation leave at work.

Between the two, there is no best laser. By and large, it mainly depends on the specific skin issues you’re experiencing.

Ablative lasers work wonderfully for deep wrinkles and acne scarring while non-ablative treatments are the best choice for your pigmentation woes, rosacea, and unwanted spider veins.

Now, imagine reaping the full benefits of ablative laser but with the minimal downtime of non-ablative treatments.

So you think it’s impossible? This is what Halo is all about!

Why Not Have the Best of Both Worlds

What used to be done separately (deciding between ablative or nonablative) is now easily accomplished with Halo’s Hybrid Fractional Laser technology. In an interview with the lovely folks from Examiner, Dr. Mosser succinctly explains the powerful technology behind Halo.

“It sounds simple but it requires a huge amount of advanced technology to get a great result with a minimal recovery. HALO is actually two different lasers that are activated at the exact same moment. One laser creates the changes in the tissue and the other laser actually creates hundreds to thousands of microscopic band-aids out of one’s own skin to make healing much more rapid. Every laser spot from the first laser gets one of these tiny coverings from the second laser,” says Dr. Mosser.

Although downtime can vary from one client to another, depending on the issue being treated and the extent of laser treatment, Halo has the shortest recovery time among laser rejuvenation procedures. By days 3 to 5, your skin will lightly flake, making way for the healthy and even-tones skin underneath.

The 3 S’s of Halo Laser Treatment

To help you figure out if you should opt for Halo, a quick rundown of its benefits through the 3 S’s:

  • best for Sun-damaged skin
  • significant improvements in acne Scarring and uneven skin tone
  • it has the Shortest downtime possible

Your Halo Laser Treatment Consultation

As always, Dr. Mosser is a staunch advocate of making informed decisions before trying out treatments for the first time. We’re thrilled to help you discover and weigh in if Halo is the ultimate treatment of choice to bring out your natural glow!

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