Poet Kahlil Gibran may have once said that “beauty is not in the face; beauty is a light in the heart.” However, no matter how we look at it, the face will always be one of the determinants of beauty. In fact, several researchers have been made to define and measure physical attractiveness. In this CONTINUE READING
Archive | Facelift
How to Deal with Sagging Skin Issues
The hallmark attributes of youthful skin is similar across cultures and ethnicities: firm, elastic, smooth, and free of defects or blemishes. However, the human body changes over time and the skin is no exception. As the largest organ in the body, it undergoes a tremendous number of changes from infancy to childhood to adolescence to CONTINUE READING
5 Signs That Will Give Your Real Age Away (And What You Can Do About It!)
Although aging is inevitable, there are numerous cosmetic procedures to reduce the appearance of the hallmarks of physical aging — from sagging jowls to the dreaded crow’s feet. Whether you’re looking into restoring your natural beauty or wanting to make subtle changes for dramatic results, our San Francisco cosmetic surgery practice is committed to helping CONTINUE READING
How long does a thread lift last?
A thread lift lasts 18-24 months, according to a panel of worldwide experts I saw in October 2009, at the national meeting for the American Society of Plastic Surgery. It’s entirely possible that threads will need to be removed and a facelift performed anyway should you opt to pursue the route of a thread lift. CONTINUE READING
What exactly is a thread lift and do you recommend it?
I do not recommend this procedure as it does not last, and leaves permanent ‘cable’ sutures in the face. Thread lifts were originally intended to repair the underlying saggy cheek and jaw line tissues. This was done by threading non-absorbable barbed sutures into the deeper soft tissues, to provide ongoing support. It’s no longer the CONTINUE READING
When is it time for a facelift?
Looking in a mirror one day and saying to oneself, “My face looks so much older than I feel. How can I do something about it?” triggers a process of self analysis, investigation of (many) surgical and non-surgical options, and several difficult decisions. Not the least of these is deciding how best to spend your CONTINUE READING
Volume loss and facial aging
Originally the theory on the major cause of facial aging was the looseness of the skin, which led to sagging and wrinkles. Then, it was discovered that the skin is not the primary problem in a mature facial appearance, but instead it was centered around a gradual descent downward of the tissues beneath the skin. CONTINUE READING
Facing your biological age, not your chronological age.
Everyone has a chronological age based on their date of birth. But you also have a biological age based on a combination of up to 130 physiological biomarkers such as blood, urine, cognitive tests, muscle tone, lung capacity, etc., and that age may be ‘younger’ or ‘older’ than your chronological age. A woman who has CONTINUE READING
Love the thread lift? Better get used to a short affair
The thread lift has been touted as a minimal down-time facelift substitute. It’s a procedure where permanent plastic suture cables are placed beneath the facial skin. These sutures have little barbs on them, which are designed to grab on to facial tissue and pull it upward. Even if the procedure lasted a long time I CONTINUE READING
The secret to a natural looking facelift
Especially in the San Francisco Bay Area, facelift patients prioritize a natural non-operated appearance. And there is no procedure where plastic surgery can be more apparent than a facelift.In the 70’s and 80’s the popular technique was to just pull on the skin to tighten things up, but we all know where that got patients: CONTINUE READING