Despite the similarity in terms, there is a significant difference between the cosmetic facial treatment called microdermabrasion and the surgical procedure called dermabrasion. Microdermabrasion is a non-surgical procedure which does not require anesthesia. It involves the use of a special instrument that disperses abrasive crystals, usually aluminum oxide, baking soda or other crystals, against the CONTINUE READING
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Know Your Skin: What is Collagen?
Collagen is the main protein of connective tissue, making up about one quarter of the whole-body protein in humans and other mammals. Collagen fibers in the tissue matrix of the dermis (the layer underneath the outer epidermis) support tissue and give strength and elasticity to the skin’s surface. Collagen acts together with hyaluronic acid and CONTINUE READING
Invest Your Cosmetic Surgery Budget in the Most Effective Procedures
You may be like many people who would like to improve their skin or body contour but automatically assume that you probably couldn’t afford the expense of a procedure. With modern advances in cosmetic surgery and a new generation of ‘miracle’ anti-aging products available, there are many options which are much less expensive than you CONTINUE READING
The Northern California Plastic Surgery patient is unique
In the Northern California / San Francisco Bay area, people prioritize living in balance, and in many cases having a connection with the natural environment. A surgery that might be appropriate for a patient in another area of the country, could easily be considered “overdone” in this region. Therefore, communication about a patient’s plastic surgery CONTINUE READING
What’s Wrong with Anti-aging Creams, Gels, and Serums?
There’s actually nothing wrong with most of the so-called anti-wrinkle products on the market today; most of them are formulated using good quality moisturizers with a tiny amount of “active ingredient”.Anyone who notices signs of aging – fine wrinkles around the eyes, either side of the mouth or over the lips, or suffers from dry CONTINUE READING
Your support system is an important resource around the time of surgery
All life changes, even cosmetic surgery, can have an associated element of stress. That’s why, whenever possible, it’s a good idea to have some important members of your support system behind your decision to undergo surgery. This might be your family, partner or simply a good friend. Sometimes it is difficult to get a loved CONTINUE READING
Think about your “comfort zone” after surgery
Everyone thinks about the many steps necessary to get to surgery, but it’s important to plan for your recovery as well. I advise patients to create a small zone of comfort in their homes, with the basic things you need close at hand. These sorts of items might be books, snacks, and healthy meals that CONTINUE READING
Modern anesthesia is safer than you may think
In the older (1960’s and 1970’s) days of anesthesia there was a lot of fear about ‘going to sleep and never waking up.’ And, I suppose, back then some of those fears were probably warranted. However, there has been a revolution in anesthesia safety in the past decade. Now, patients are monitored with meticulous precision CONTINUE READING
Plastic surgery gone bad: how common?
The cases of “bad plastic surgery” highlighted in the media tend to be very rare and extreme. “Bad” plastic surgery can be avoided by doing due diligence and researching your potential surgeon. It is important to verify that any surgeon you see is Board Certified; meaning they have the highest standard of certification and experience. CONTINUE READING
Plastic surgeon vs. cosmetic surgeon – what’s the difference?
Unfortunately, these terms might mean a fully certified surgeon who performs cosmetic surgery, or could mean another sort of physician who doesn’t have proper training or Board Certification but practices plastic surgery anyway. To attain status as a plastic surgeon alone takes a lot of commitment, time, and educational training. To attain status as ‘board CONTINUE READING