
How Much Swelling and Bruising Will I Get from Neck Liposuction and Lift?

Neck Liposuction and Lift Swelling and bruising can vary depending on the person and their own tendency to bruise on a daily basis. However typically the swelling and bruising associated with a neck lift and lipo will not be excessive and can be controlled and minimized by pre-op and post-op attention to care.

Avoiding certain medications and supplements pre-op can help as well as things like using a cooling mask post-op (not all surgeons offer them), wearing a compression garment for a few days, and staying elevated and fairly sedentary to give your body time to heal can help significantly.

The important thing is to follow the instructions of your surgeon to the letter, they have your best interests in mind and want to see you on your way to full recovery as quickly as possible.

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