In the ongoing search for relief from the symptoms of severe and chronic migraine, controlled injections of botulinum A toxin (Botox®) into specific “trigger sites” on the face, head and neck, have resulted in temporary relief.The key to effective treatment is locating specific nerves and muscles and determining effective dosage.
I’ve had the pleasure of doing research in this exciting field, specifically on the anatomy of the greater occipital nerve to develop a surgical protocol for the injection of botulinum A toxin into the most effective trigger sites. For more details on Botox® injection therapy, see .
Botulinum A toxin was used therapeutically for many years…and still is…to treat eye spasms, crossed eyes, and facial tics before it became one of the most popular dermal injections (in the form of Botox® Cosmetic) used in non-surgical cosmetic plastic surgery procedures to temporarily relax facial muscles that cause creases and wrinkles.
Many cosmetic plastic surgery procedures have been developed as the result of medical procedures, but the opposite occurred in the use of Botox® for migraine relief.Its use in migraine pain relief came about because migraine sufferers receiving injections for cosmetic reasons frequently reported relief from their migraine symptoms as a side effect.
I perform Botox® Cosmetic injections daily in my San Francisco plastic surgery practice and follow with avid interest the exciting research and development going on in the field.I recently spoke on the subject of my own research at the 2nd Annual Surgical Treatment of Migraine Headaches at Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland, Ohio (October 2007) and anticipate still more exciting developments in the near future.
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