Tag Archives | brazilian butt lift

Why Saying Hello to Halo Gives You the Best of Both Worlds in Laser

Let’s face it, nothing is far more attractive than skin that naturally glows! However, the chronic war against enlarged pores, uneven skin tone, and age spots make the quest for healthy, radiant skin a struggle for many of our wonderful clients at our San Francisco laser rejuvenation practice. Often, no matter how much preventive measures CONTINUE READING

The Rising Popularity of Buttock Enhancement via Fat Transfer

Although the Brazilian butt lift (buttock enhancement via fat transfer) is nowhere near the popularity of liposuction and breast augmentation, recent figures by the American Society for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery revealed that the number of buttock-enhancement procedures has grown leaps and bounds in the past year. Specifically, buttock augmentation enjoyed an 86 percent increase in CONTINUE READING

The Brazilian Butt Lift to achieve the golden rule of “0.7”

There is a golden rule of attractiveness for the waistline compared to the buttocks, and that is the rule of the 0.7 ratio. If the narrowest measurement around the waist is divided by the widest measurement of the hips, the ideal number you can come up with is 0.7. Everything above that means there is CONTINUE READING