As mentioned earlier, the length of recovery from liposuction varies but the timeline below will give you an idea what to expect following surgery.
Weeks 1-2 After Liposuction
You will most likely feel pain and sore right after the effects of anesthesia has worn off. While pain will be tolerable and manageable around this time, you may be prescribed pain relievers that you can take if the pain is quite debilitating. Your movements may be limited around this time.
Elastic bandages or compression garments may be used to cover treatment areas. They will help reduce the swelling that is typical after liposuction. Once swelling has subsided, the results you desire will gradually reveal itself.
The first two weeks after surgery will most likely be the most difficult and uncomfortable phase of recovery since the wounds will need constant monitoring for infection. Daily activities may be limited around this period, too.
Weeks 2-4 After Liposuction
Around this time, your incisions should already have healed and the swelling will be subsiding. You may gradually return to your usual activities of daily living immediately after surgery, but around the 3rd week light to moderate exercises may be done. Certainly you should reduce your level of activity if pain or discomfort is experienced.
Weeks 4 and Beyond
After a month following liposuction, bruising will not be noticeable anymore and your new shape will start becoming more obvious. You can fully return to activities of daily living provided that you are already able to do so. By the sixth week, you will start seeing results, though it will take as much as 3 months for the swelling to be nearly completely gone.
Ultimately, patience and adherence to post-surgery instructions are the key qualities a patient must have to be able to achieve the best possible aesthetic results of liposuction.
Choosing Your San Francisco Liposuction Surgeon
San Francisco plastic surgeon Dr. Mosser does more than perform the procedure of your choice; he aims to enhance his patient’s lives and help them live more optimistic lives. Call us at 415.398.7778 or by filling out this contact form to schedule an appointment. We look forward to your visit!
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