Everyone thinks about the many steps necessary to get to surgery, but it’s important to plan for your recovery as well. I advise patients to create a small zone of comfort in their homes, with the basic things you need close at hand. These sorts of items might be books, snacks, and healthy meals that CONTINUE READING
Author Archive | Dr Mosser
Modern anesthesia is safer than you may think
In the older (1960’s and 1970’s) days of anesthesia there was a lot of fear about ‘going to sleep and never waking up.’ And, I suppose, back then some of those fears were probably warranted. However, there has been a revolution in anesthesia safety in the past decade. Now, patients are monitored with meticulous precision CONTINUE READING
What’s the best treatment for deep wrinkles?
Using fillers to volumize and solutions such as Botox or Dysport to treat the underlying tight muscles is a good course of action for deep wrinkles. Factors such as where they are located and how deep the wrinkles actually are will play a role in the type of treatment that may be most successful. The CONTINUE READING
How can I treat deep smile lines?
There really is no right answer to this question. There are several different treatment options, and all work in different ways and treat different aspects. The best bet is to schedule an exam with your doctor, and let him or her assess the issue in person to help you decide on a course of action. CONTINUE READING
Best way to get rid of smoker lines on upper lip?
“Smoker lines” are actually possible whether you smoke or not. Smoking breaks down the production of collagen which increases the appearance of wrinkles, so it’s good to avoid smoking altogether. But it’s not the only cause of these lines. Time, age and sun damage can also contribute to these wrinkles. For the small, vertical lines CONTINUE READING
Best way to get rid of wrinkles?
The best solution to wrinkles depends greatly on where they are located, the severity of the wrinkles, and if there is skin laxity or sagging that accompanies the wrinkles. It is possible to temporarily treat fine lines with topical skin care creams. These add moisture to the skin and create a ‘plumping’ effect which reduces the CONTINUE READING
What’s the best treatment for eye wrinkles?
The best treatment for eye wrinkles depends on the area where the wrinkles are located and the severity of the wrinkles. Botox or Dysport can be very effective in eliminating the appearance of crow’s feet, or the lines near the outer part of the eye. Sometimes a filler such as Juvederm can be used to reduce CONTINUE READING
How do I get rid of forehead wrinkles?
There are many treatment options for forehead wrinkles, and the right one for you depends on what you are experiencing. Wrinkles can usually be treated with a Botox or Dysport injection, provided your brow is in a good position already. These products work to relax the muscles of the forehead, which reduces or eliminates the CONTINUE READING
Plastic surgery gone bad: how common?
The cases of “bad plastic surgery” highlighted in the media tend to be very rare and extreme. “Bad” plastic surgery can be avoided by doing due diligence and researching your potential surgeon. It is important to verify that any surgeon you see is Board Certified; meaning they have the highest standard of certification and experience. CONTINUE READING
Plastic surgeon vs. cosmetic surgeon – what’s the difference?
Unfortunately, these terms might mean a fully certified surgeon who performs cosmetic surgery, or could mean another sort of physician who doesn’t have proper training or Board Certification but practices plastic surgery anyway. To attain status as a plastic surgeon alone takes a lot of commitment, time, and educational training. To attain status as ‘board CONTINUE READING