
Why Follow-Up Visits Are a Crucial Component Following Plastic Surgery

Every so often, patients are eager and overly excited with their plastic surgery outcomes. Although recovery from plastic surgery is influenced by various factors such as the type of procedure and the general state of their health, follow-up visits following surgery also play a crucial role in how the results will turn out. Yet, there are still patients who may find it unnecessary when Dr. Mosser instructs them to come in at our San Francisco plastic surgery practice for follow-up visits between 6 months to a year.

A Week or Two Following Surgery

During personal consultations before their scheduled surgery, we inform patients that the first to second week following surgery is critical. Dr. Mosser will look for signs of infection on the incision site and also check the status of surgical drains (if they were inserted such as in a tummy tuck). The degree of bruising or swelling will also be assessed around this time.

Measures will be taken if the incision is not healing well or if signs of infection are present. Pain medications and/or antibiotics may also be modified during the first follow-up visit. By and large, the goal of your follow-up visit during the first to second week post-surgery is to avoid delayed healing as much as possible.

Three to Six Weeks Following Surgery

Generally, bruising and swelling are the main focus of assessment during follow-up visits 3 to 6 weeks following surgery. Cold compresses and use of compression garments may be encouraged around this time. Moreover, signs of infection and possible scarring will also be thoroughly monitored.

Six Weeks and Beyond

The outcomes of a majority of surgical cosmetic procedures may be predicted once the six-week mark has been reached. At around this time, Dr. Mosser will be able to figure out whether or not your cosmetic goals will be fully met. Interventions  such as revision surgery to help correct certain problems with recovery and healing will also be discussed during this period of your follow-up visits. Procedures to enhance results may be also recommended.

It may be frustrating for many to adhere to follow-up visits as instructed. However, it should be noted that healing after plastic surgery does not only involve a short time frame post-procedure. It takes a significant amount of time for the body to adjust and patience is, without a doubt, a virtue post-surgery.

Call us at 415.398.7778 or fill out this contact form to schedule an appointment. We look forward to helping you improve your life through plastic surgery!


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