Tag Archives | Breast Augmentation

A Closer Look on the Subglandular Placement of Breast Implants

Making the decision to have breast augmentation involves a lot of micro-decisions. You will have to choose which breast implant type suits you well, the type of incision, and implant placement. A subglandular placement is commonly performed at Dr. Mosser’s practice. Read on to learn why! Reduced Risk of Motion Deformity Implants placed via the CONTINUE READING

The Breast Implant Decision

After making the decision to have breast augmentation, you also need to make micro-decisions specific to the procedure. Choosing which breast implant type, size, and shape is one of these micro-decisions. An overview of the different implant choices below can help you figure out which ones will suit your aesthetic goals and preferences. Saline Implants CONTINUE READING

Bringing Out the Best Your Breasts Have to Offer

While many women turn to the likes of breast augmentation for a boost for their natural figure they want to find comfort in their bodies the best they can without cosmetic surgery. Breast augmentation is the best solution to add volume, size and shape for women’s breasts, but most women do not think about keeping CONTINUE READING