Author Archive | Dr Mosser

How do I know if I’m ready for plastic surgery?

Reasons for wanting to undergo plastic surgery are very personal and important.  It all boils down to what you want and why you want it.  The clearer you are on what you want and why you want it, the better your surgeon will be able to offer advice and recommendations. It is beneficial to find CONTINUE READING

How do I minimize bruising from a rhinoplasty?

Although bruising after Rhinoplasty isn’t uncommon, following your surgeon’s post operative instructions can assist with minimizing your recovery time as much as possible.  The splints and packing strips used immediately after your surgery assist in preventing swelling and bruising. Also, your surgeon may recommend things like avoiding blood thinning medications such as Aspirin or Vitamin CONTINUE READING

What is a thigh lift?

The thigh lift procedure refers to a medial thigh lift that removes excess, sagging skin from the inner thigh.  This is done by creating an incision that is hidden in the groin area (crescent lift), and sometimes can extend along the inner thigh (vertical lift) depending upon the type of procedure being performed. Excess skin CONTINUE READING

How much downtime for a thigh reduction?

Taking adequate time to recover after a thigh reduction procedure is important.  Some limitations of activity are necessary in order to reduce chances of the scar stretching, and some doctors recommend wearing compression garments to minimize the risk of blood clots. I recommend taking at least 1 week away from work for your initial recovery, CONTINUE READING

How mini can an outer Thigh Lift be?

This is rarely performed, and it involves a horizontal incision along the hip area.  A minimal incision would not be possible to lift the outer thigh and saddlebag areas.  Most patients who desire this would be interested in a lower body lift if they have excess skin in the abdominal area as well.  As always, CONTINUE READING

What kind of scars should I expect from a medial thigh lift?

The scars for the medial thigh lift are hidden in the groin area, and can sometimes extend along the inner thigh.  Over time, the scars should flatten and become less noticeable.  Exactly how noticeable they end up can depend on several variables. Skin tone and elasticity will play a role, as well as color.  A CONTINUE READING

How much does a thigh reduction procedure cost?

A thigh reduction procedure can vary in cost, depending upon the complexity of the procedure and exactly what is involved.  A thigh reduction can be as simple as removing a small amount of excess skin from the inner thighs, to removing excess skin from around the entire circumference of the thigh and more. If you require CONTINUE READING

Thigh Liposuction vs. Thigh Lift

Without an actual exam it’s difficult to determine which of these procedures will be your best option, or if a combination of the two will be needed.  Liposuction works to remove unwanted, excess fat and can change the contour of the thigh. If your skin elasticity is good, this alone can be a solution.  If CONTINUE READING

Do nonsurgical nose jobs work?

For some patients, injecting a filler such as Radiesse to the nose can be a good alternative to a Rhinoplasty. Costs can add up over time however, so consider your long-term goals and your budget.  Whether or not a patient is a good candidate depends upon their specific goals and their anatomy. Most filler’s are CONTINUE READING

What should I do about bad nose job results?

I understand how disappointing and frustrating it can be to be disappointed by the results of your initial Rhinoplasty procedure.  I recommend that you look for Plastic Surgeons who specialize in Rhinoplasty procedures.  Nothing can take the place of experience, so don’t be afraid to ask about their experience and of course, always confirm they CONTINUE READING