By and large, costs alone should not be the instrument in which a surgeon’s skills and the likelihood of achieving desired outcomes should be measured. First of all, there are surgeons who are the best in the field that offer transgender surgery for a lower cost than average. On the other hand, there are mediocre surgeons who seem to charge way more than the others who have greater skill and experience in transgender surgery.
On a whole, the best way to figure out if your surgeon has the skills and experience to perform the transgender surgery of your choice is finding out his or her history of good surgical outcomes. You can ask your circle of friends for recommendations. Online testimonials may be considered but should not be totally depended on as some of them may be made up stories or entirely exaggerated.
During consultations, asking for before-and-after images of previous patients is also a good way to gauge a surgeon’s skills and finesse. In some cases, these images can be viewed online through the doctor’s website.
It is also equally important to exercise caution when you come across discounted surgeries. Most of the time, surgeons offering procedures that are extremely low are not aware of the current advancements in the industry nor they are knowledgeable of the newer techniques that are less invasive. Furthermore, even if the surgery itself was a success, follow-up clinic visits may be poor or non-existent at all in discounted surgeries.
Get in touch with us today to learn more about transgender reassignment surgery. Aside from creating a surgical plan that is tailored to your needs, we are committed to upholding the highest standards of practice and safety in transgender procedures. Fill out this contact form today or call 415.398.7778 to schedule an appointment.
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