Sure, almost everyone knows that prolonged sun exposure is the root of all skin aging evils — from deep forehead lines to uneven skin tone. Yet, spending more time outdoors is also one of the genuinely beautiful ways to relax and regain focus, whether in your career or personal life.
So, how do you maintain that healthy, youthful glow without having to say no to invitations from friends and family to relax the outdoors? Of course, there’s sunscreen. But its protective capabilities are short-lived.
You need something more reliable that will give you stunning results in the long haul! You need to look for treatment that does more than peel the skin’s superficial layers or help the skin generate more collagen.
You need Sciton’s Forever Young BBL!
The Broadband Light Difference
Unlike other laser skin rejuvenation treatments that repairs aging skin, Sciton’s Forever Young BBL halts and prevents further skin aging down to the gene level. Stanford University researchers found out something remarkable in their study of Broadband Light treatments and its effects on skin aging.
Here’s an excerpt of the press release:
The study supports the hypothesis that regulators of aging can be altered in human skin using BBL technology to provide a functional change, rather than just a cosmetic mimic of youthful appearance. BBL treatments promote the appearance of youthful skin. This study reveals that the appearance of younger skin may be due to the differences observed in gene expression patterns of aged skin becoming more like young skin. Treatments from the study were performed on the FDA-cleared Sciton Joule using the BBL module.
The takeaway from the abovementioned research is Sciton’s BBL unique way retaining your skin’s youthfulness. Interestingly, it triggers a series of events that help change gene expression.
In a nutshell, it’s not just your skin’s structure that gets a makeover but there is also a significant functional change in how your genes that regulate skin aging express themselves.
Which skin care problems respond extremely well to Broadband Light treatments?
The BBL treatment is your best light-based skin rejuvenation option if you’ve tried every possible remedies out there but still not getting the results you want with the following skin concerns and woes:
- Texture problems: fine lines, deep lines, wrinkles, large pores
- Uneven skin tone
- Sun-damaged skin (freckles may be sexy but brown and red spots aren’t!)
- Vascular lesions: facial veins, rosacea, hemangiomas, angiomas
- Acne, rosacea
- Unwanted hair loss
Other Extraordinary Benefits of BBL Treatment
- You can resume your normal activities immediately post-treatment.
- You get long-lasting results.
- It’s an ultra-fast treatment: Average treatment time of 12-15 minutes for a full face.
- It’s effective on all body areas: Face, neck, chest, arms, and hands.
- A safe and effective non-medication treatment for active acne in skin of all ages.
- Predictable outcomes due to advanced, more controlled precision.
- Safer due to controlled precision. Each skin condition has its own corresponding wavelength.
Curious if BBL is the right treatment for your skin aging problems?
We’d be delighted to help you discover and weigh in if BBL works well for you. Call us at (415) 398-7778 and look for Anna and Joie, our two exceptionally helpful nurses who knows the ins and outs of BBL!
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