The Mini Face Lift, sometimes called a Partial Face Lift, utilizes shorter incisions and works mostly in the cheek area. It’s important to note that surgeons use the term Mini Face Lift very liberally and the procedure can range from being a regular Mid Face Lift to being just a small incision and a few tightening stitches. This procedure usually works best on people in their 30’s or 40’s with very early aging signs.
A Mid Face Lift works to pull up your cheek so that your nasolabial folds are improved and your cheek is lifted. This can improve the way your lower eyelids appear in relation to your cheek, and also may help out with the dark circles and bags under the eye some people suffer from.
There are many variations on the Face Lift procedures, so the best practice is to talk to your Board Certified Plastic Surgeon, and have he or she help you to decide on the best procedure that is right for you.
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