Merz pharmaceuticals is seeking FDA approval for a product closely related to Botox called Xeomin.
It has been used for many years in Europe, and might finally make its way through the US regulatory system in 2011. In many ways it is almost identical to Botox. It is also nearly painless, lasts just as long and has the same effect. In fact, it’s made of nearly exactly the same stuff, but is much more pure.
I had the chance to fly to Miami this past weekend to hear all about Xeomin, and to talk endlessly with German dermatologists who have had years’ worth of experience with Xeomin – to the point that for a few of them this is all they use. Why not use a product with nearly flawless purity? I’m very excited and will be watching for FDA announcements on the subject very closely, so that I can bring Xeomin to San Francisco right away.
In case you missed the previous post about the new injectable filler Belotero, please click here.
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