Plastic surgery has come a long way, but it’s still not the fountain of youth. There isn’t any way to halt, or even slow, the aging process. That said, there are certain behaviors that can speed up the aging of your skin. Here are the three worst offenders. 1 – Smoking Smoking has a hugely CONTINUE READING

Post Weight Loss Surgery – The Finishing Touch
Every day we are asked, “What’s the very best and most effective approach to losing weight?” People are surprised that our first response isn’t the available surgical options. Quite to the contrary, our first advice is to lose weight the natural way, as there’s really no healthier approach to dropping a few pounds. Many times, CONTINUE READING
What If I Prefer to Have Smaller Breasts?
Breast enhancement procedures may be in vogue for years now yet there is actually a subset of the female population who are bemoaning about their large breasts and would rather have them smaller. Here at our practice, we have catered to these women though a breast reduction procedure. Why Some Women Prefer to Have it CONTINUE READING
The Most Important Thing to Consider Before Getting Breast Implants
You may have read or heard about the things that need to be considered before getting breast implants. FIrst, you need to think about implant type and size, implant placement and surgical incisions. And there’s the matter on choosing the right plastic surgeon where you have to consider experience, credentials, communications skills, and your level CONTINUE READING
Will Breast Implants Interfere with Breastfeeding?
There are tons of information online promoting the benefits of breastfeeding and how it’s far more superior than formula feeding. By and large, it doesn’t only benefit the newborn but the new mother as well. Here at our practice, it’s not uncommon for women to ask about the role of breast implants in breastfeeding. What CONTINUE READING
Why Follow-Up Visits Are a Crucial Component Following Plastic Surgery
Every so often, patients are eager and overly excited with their plastic surgery outcomes. Although recovery from plastic surgery is influenced by various factors such as the type of procedure and the general state of their health, follow-up visits following surgery also play a crucial role in how the results will turn out. Yet, there CONTINUE READING
New Study Identifies Risk Factors for Sagging Eyelids
The presence of excess skin, bulging fat, and increasingly loose muscles in and near the eye area may give way to an older, tired, or perpetually upset appearance. The appearance of wrinkles, folds, and fine lines have always been associated with genetics, aging, and lifestyle factors such as smoking, nutrition, and sun exposure. However, a CONTINUE READING
Your Most Common Face Lift Questions Answered: The Real Fountain of Youth
Poet Kahlil Gibran may have once said that “beauty is not in the face; beauty is a light in the heart.” However, no matter how we look at it, the face will always be one of the determinants of beauty. In fact, several researchers have been made to define and measure physical attractiveness. In this CONTINUE READING
Does Your Face Suddenly Look Upside Down?
You are not alone, you know that perfect triangular face your mom always said you had, and age has flipped that over for you. When you chin and neck appear larger than the rest of your face, it’s time to consider what choices are out there. Research the options available, you won’t need all of CONTINUE READING
Mommy Makeovers
They have combined specific procedures to make mommy appear like she was before the blessed event of pregnancy. It lifts your breast up, and if needed, you can have their size altered. Your abdomen can be slimmed and tightened and before you know it, your girlish figure is back intact. Some women are so depressed CONTINUE READING